Monday, March 19, 2007

March 8, 2007 Meeting Minutes

Thanks again to Bill, KW4J for doing an outstanding job with our club meeting minutes!

Rod, N1YZ


March 8, 2007

President Rod Scott N1YZ called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and recognized the Repeater Committee Chairman Bert Put who announced his resignation. The attending members gave Bert their sincere thanks for all of the time and effort that he expended upon the clubs behalf.

John Miller was introduced as a visitor to the Club. He is a SWL listener fro Pelham and has decided to take the first steps to become an amateur radio operator.
The attendees introduce themselves and the sign-in role is attached to this document.

Vice President Mike Burns KE4DZU asked for suggestions for future programs and several topics were discussed. He also reported on the successful completion of the pandemic exercise which was conducted by the State Health Department. It involved the efficient transporting of vaccine across the state, and amateur radio operators were involved to assist in emergency communications.

Treasurer Jack Evans KC4PZA reports that the savings account currently has a balance of $3784.87 and that the checking account contains $76.89. There is an outstanding of $250.03 to Ken Caruso KS4NX for repeater work. Jack also reported that the Club has 44 members, of which 26 are currently paid up.

EC Howard Moss KC4QJA reports the two past emergency nets had a total of 10 check-ins passing storm information. Several other operators were monitoring in case they were needed. He reminded the Club of the Anniston Army/EMA exercise scheduled to be held March 14, 2007 starting at 08:00 hours.

President Rod Scott reports:
It is time for membership renewal. Discussion concerning a new membership roster ensued. Jack Evans will investigate.
There was a preliminary meeting with Shelby Baptist Hospital concerning a radio liaison and the hospital management wants to take a proactive role in establishing this link.
The Board discussed borrowing a repeater from Kelly Fowler and discussion of the details followed, including the borrowing of an antenna, duplex cans, and channel elements. A motion was made by Steven Moss KB4FKN that $200 be set aside for antenna mount manufacture and associated hardware. Further discussion prompted a motion by K3FP to allow the Board to decide on the expense of the antenna mount installation.

Secretary Bill Davidson KW4J:
Read the minutes of Feb 8, 2007.
ARL Letter Vo.6 No. 07 cautions that the various cellular telephone bill pose potential problems for amateur radio operators and should be watched closely.
Received an email from John Miller asking for assistance in getting started in ham radio. He later sent another thanking us for pointing him into the correct direction.
The Club received a letter on the results of the Alabama QSO Party, which was determined to be the best one yet. However, it should have been even better, so everyone is encouraged to be part of it next year.
An email from Bob Thomas KC4AF forwarded a document by Lee Aured KI4NMD expressing his reasons to support a second club repeater.

VE Testing Team Chairman Joe Ford K4NVJ was not present, but a report was made on the March VE event. There were approximately 12 total of tested and paper upgrades, including one who passed all three exams at one sitting.

Bert Put KG4BEC said that there is not much left to do on the main repeater back into service other than some audio balancing tests.

Bob Thomas KC4AF reports that the By-Laws Committee is close to completing the suggested revision to the Constitution and By-Laws and the documents should be ready for general membership comments shortly.

Ken Caruso KS4NX announced that two General Class Theory classes are scheduled to start shortly. One will be a three-week study starting March 24 and classes will be held between 0900 and 1300. The second class will start March 27 and will go for four weeks. Its hours will be 1800-2100. Both classes will study the same material.

SCARC Meeting Roster
Secretary’s raw notes
ARRL Letter Vol. 26, No. 07
John Miller’s emails
KC4AF memo dated March 8, 2007 forward Lee Aured’s case for a second club repeater.
Jim Johnson KC4HW report on the Alabama QSO Party

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