Friday, May 4, 2007

Club votes to buy new Equipment

Last night, May 3, 2007, the Shelby County Amateur Radio Club (SCARC) had a special called meeting to discuss the SCARC’s repeater and hear a report by the repeater committee. The repeater committee consists of Lee Aured, KI4NMD, Mike Burns, KE4DZU, Michael Spanos, KA4VCA and is chaired by Bob Thomas, KC4AF.

The report detailed recent problems and fixes for the SCARC’s 25 year old repeater. The committee suggested that SCARC replace the existing Micor repeater with a Kenwood TKR-750. They also suggested that the antenna be replaced with a DB-228. The 3db loss in output power would be balanced by the 3db gain of the new antenna which prevents any coordination issues. The 3db gain will “hear” better than the older antenna which had been exhibiting some problems.

The club is actively committed to a two repeater solution to the club and to our served agencies. The old repeater may be able to fulfill that solution by being a “hot standby” repeater located at a different site (perhaps Pinnacle Point). The old antenna, a DB-224 might find use at Pinnacle Point, or some other use, or may be sold.

A motion was made, seconded and carried to make the recommended purchases. For those of you who want to find out more about the new repeater and antenna try the links below.

Special thanks go to Michael Spanos, KA4VCA for resuscitating the old repeater and to the entire Repeater Committee for their work to bring us up to this point and taking us forward.

As has been mentioned in previous posts, thanks also go to everyone who participated in the numerous “repeater parties” to improve our repeater system in the past. We always stand on the shoulders of everyone who came before us.

Rod, N1YZ

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